Modern Warrior School

Hold Yourself to a Higher Standard!

As chaotic as our lives can be sometimes, it can be tempting to relax our training standards and allow other obligations to take precedence. But when not only your own life, but the lives of your friends and family are in your hands, complacency is simply unacceptable.

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When we initially got started in 2018, our enthusiasm certainly far exceeded our educational value, but through trial (and plenty of) error we have evolved into what you see today. Covering a variety of topics, we aren't just a firearms training organization, we are dedicated to the overall security and sustainability of the preparedness community at large.


Over the last couple years, we've branched out to give videography a shot as well. This came with a huge learning curve, but our viewers' patience will be met with ever higher quality content as we perfect our craft. Be forewarned though, as our early work has certainly been cringe-worthy to say the least.


It was bound to happen eventually - getting a little overzealous with an article, we unintentionally wound up writing a 300+ page e-book. But as it turned out, there was a great reception for such a deep dive into the nuances that make all the difference at the end of the day. So we figured "Why stop at one?"

A Word From The Founder

A lifelong connoisseur of knowledge, I’ve always been particularly fascinated by the history and evolution of combat, especially how it pertained to the concept of the modern minuteman. 

I spent most of my childhood preparing to enlist, seeking a career in Naval Special Warfare. But after graduation, I was disqualified from service at MEPS due to a pre-existing health condition. While discouraging, it didn’t stifle my desire to master the combat arts; it just set me on a different path.

Spending nearly all my spare time in training and study, one day I was reminded of a Mark Twain quote given in a speech at my high-school graduation: “The two most important days in a man’s life are the day he’s born, and the day he finds out why.” In that moment of introspective clarity, I realized that this pursuit of skill and knowledge was bigger than myself and that my true purpose was to mold and inspire the next generation of shooters the way I was.

Instructor Hickman | Founder & Lead Instructor